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Romantic Pedagogies Online

British Romanticism: Email Discussion Questions

More information, a fuller description of the question, and helpful suggestions for thinking about it will be added a week before each assignment is due: click on the assignment title a week before the due date to get a fuller description of each assignment.

  1. Listserv Assignment #1, Due 19 September: What one or two ideas about government given in the readings for 19 Sept. impressed you as interesting or valuable, and why?
  2. Listserv Assignment #2, Due 26 September: List three of the ways, according to Mary Wollstonecraft, that women differ from men, telling us her explanation as to why they differ. Do you agree or disagree?
  3. Listserv Assignment #3, Due 3 October: Describe the effects that sentimental descriptions of the plight of slaves have on readers: how do they affect you? does this kind of art promote action or inaction? Why?
  4. Listserv Assignment #4, Due 17 October: What is Charlotte Smith's relation to those people who have emigrated from France, losing everything, or indeed what is her relation to any people who are dispossessed or downtrodden?
  5. Listserv Assignment #5, Due 24 October: ASSIGNMENT CANCELLED
  6. Listserv Assignment #6, Due 31 October: List two or three of the claims that Joanna Baillie makes about what good art looks like or how it works. Do you agree?
  7. Listserv Assignment #7, Due 7 November: According to Wordsworth's The Prelude, how does imagination work? How are imaginative writers connected to political events? Do you agree with Wordsworth?
  8. Listserv Assignment #8, Due 12 November: Pick out one or two of the poems you read for today's class: what do you like about it? dislike? find interesting?
  9. Listserv Assignment #9, Due 21 November: ASSIGNMENT CANCELLED
  10. Listserv Assignment #10, Due 5 December: In Mansfield Park, does Fanny have a home? Why or why not?

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