• dauntless courage

    Having in the previous letter (I:L1:4) already employed language associated with Milton's
    Satan, here Mary Shelley directly echoes his description:

         his face
    Deep scars of thunder had intrencht, and care
    Sat on his faded cheek, but under brows
    Of dauntless courage, and considerate pride
    Waiting revenge.
    -- I.600-604

    The author's purpose seems not to be one of branding this crew with a diabolic association
    (though it is true that they will later become united in rebellion against their master),
    but rather this early on in the novel to plant motifs that will serve as unifying
    structural and thematic devices as Mary Shelley begins to interweave multiple narrative
    lines. In this case the association of the heroic and the Satanic will provide a perspective
    in which the reader will later frame both Victor Frankenstein and his Creature.