• The story is too connected Doubtless, Victor, who has in numerous critical situations been unwilling to explain
    his case for fear of not being believed, worries about how he can convey his deposition
    so as to produce conviction. Yet, once again, the language reminds us that we are
    in the midst of a narrative whose truth is totally dependant on the veracity of the
    narrator. Victor likewise makes much of its internal consistency to Walton as he begins
    the narration (I:L4:30). What this detail adds is the realization that Victor's is
    truly what Nathaniel Hawthorne termed a "twice-told tale," having, with the exception
    of its final chapter, been already rehearsed in the judge's chamber. The reiteration
    of such a tale of fatally transgressed boundaries recalls the context provided by
    the same sort of obsessive repetition in Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner."