• somewhat fastidious

    This may appear a surprising choice of diction on Walton's part. Johnson's Dictionary
    defines the word pejoratively:

    Disdainful; squeamish; delicate to a vice; insolently nice.

    The Oxford English Dictionary somewhat refines the range of possible meanings:

    1. That creates disgust; disagreeable, distasteful, unpleasant, wearisome. Obs.
       -- a. That feels or is full of disgust; disgusted.
       -- b. Full of pride; disdainful; scornful. Obs.
       -- c. transf. Of things: 'Proud', magnificent.
    3. Easily disgusted, squeamish, over-nice; difficult to please with regard to matters
    of taste or propriety.

    The connotation of Walton's usage indicates that he is using the word in the third
    sense here, suggestive of a well-educated and highly refined sense of taste.

    What may be most interesting about this sentence is what it says about Mary Shelley's
    values. A woman who has been "tutored and refined by books" is still an uncommon being
    in eighteenth-century culture, often referred to contemptuously as a "learned lady."
    Here, in contrast, Margaret Saville is a paragon of judgment and the conduit through
    which this entire history, with its multiple internal narratives, flows.